Cosmetic Acupuncture & Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Beauty from the inside out
Cosmetic Acupuncture has been used in China and across East Asia for thousands of years. Re-discovered more recently, it is now widespread in Korea and Scandinavia and continues to grow in popularity throughout Europe and the US, with many celebrities choosing cosmetic acupuncture techniques to maintain good health and enhance their appearance. Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe, pain-free, alternative to surgery and botox, it requires no recovery time, lasts longer and costs a great deal less than the various invasive techniques on offer. Balancing the circulation of energy throughout the body achieves natural good health, manifesting as vibrant natural beauty.
Having trained with numerous exponents of Facial Rejuvenation Therapy including Virginia Doran, Jong Baik, Rhada Thambirajah and Ping Zhang, Margella practices a variety of protocols enabling a bespoke programme to be offered that meets the specific needs of each individual.
Conditions treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture
- Face Lift & Skin Rejuvenation - See below
- Acne Rocacea
- Acne Vulgaris
- Abdomen Firming: following childbirth or weight loss
- Alopecia (hair loss)
- Cellulite Reduction
- Eczema
- Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
- Prickly Heat
- Psoriasis
- Varicose Veins
- Vitiligo
- Warts
- Wrinkle Smoothing
How many sessions are required?
A course of treatment is usually between 8-12 sessions depending on which treatment is required and the severity of the problem. For best results, many of the protocols require two treatments per week.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is the main element of the Facial Rejuvenation protocol. Hair-fine needles are inserted in specific areas of the body, face and neck to reduce the signs of ageing by lifting the facial muscles, erasing wrinkles, and revitalising the skin. Gua sha, massage and cupping are also used during the course of treatment.
Benefits and Contraindications of a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
- Improves muscle tone
- Improves collagen production and dispersal
- Promotes skin rejuvenation via increased facial circulation
- Helps to eliminate and reduce bags under the eyes
- Decreases the tendency toward sagging jowls
- Helps to eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism, and thus eliminating excess fluids
- Helps to eliminate fine lines of the face and has a diminishing effect on larger wrinkles.
- Improves hormonal balance and hormone-based skin conditions
- Balances sebaceous secretions to treat dry skin and oily skin/acne
- Improves facial colour by the increase of peripheral circulation
- Reduces or eliminates double chins
- Tightens the pores
- Brightens the eyes
- Helps to lift drooping eyelids
- Promotes overall health and well being
- Reduces stress evident in the faceBrings out a person’s innate beauty and radiance
- Slows the ageing process, from within
- Delays the hair turning grey and the loss of hair associated with ageing
- Benefits the eyes, ears sinuses, thyroid and brain, and eases TMJ
- Problems with bleeding
- Tendency to bruise excessively
- Pituitary tumours
- High blood pressure
- Migraines
- Diabetes mellitus
- Serious health conditions such as cancer, AIDS, acute Hepatitis, and coronary disease
- Not to be administered to ulcerated, irritated or bruised areas, warts, & pigmented moles
- Seizures and Epilepsy
- Dizziness Tinnitus
Not to be administered during
- Pregnancy
- Flus & colds
- Acute herpes outbreaks
- Acute allergic reactions
- Sunburn
- Former cosmetic surgery
- Asthmatics
- Lymphoedema especially of the face
Advice From Japanese Grandmothers on How to Be Beautiful
From: Inner Peace, Outer Beauty: Natural Japanese Health and Beauty Secrets Revealed by Michelle Dominique Leigh
- Protect your skin from the sun
- Drink Pure water
- As you grow old, don't envy the fresh blossoms of spring
- To have clear, smooth skin, care for it diligently by cleaning it completely, protecting it with loofa, vine-water, and keeping a relaxed mind
- Good skin comes from a clean body
- Wrinkle Smoothing Eat the peels rinds and skins of fruits and vegetables
- Too much make-up pollutes the skin
- If your bad skin is inherited, you can change its condition by eating properly
- Sleep at least eight hours a night, and go to bed before eleven
- Be in love
- Be active, get exercise, enjoy your life
- Don’t sit around worrying
- Control your desires. Don’t always want what you can’t have. This unsatisfied yearning habit makes a woman ugly
- Accept your age and the changes in your beauty. A beautiful old woman is beautiful because her mind and spirit are wise and graceful
- At the age of forty, the mind is visible on the face
- Practice facial massage every day to prevent wrinkles and age spots, and to keep the skin fresh and supple.
- If you are tired or suffering from stress you must exercise
- Eat a wide variety of foods
- Don’t complain; don’t be envious; don't be irritated; your health will deteriorate and your skin will look terrible
- If your shoulders are tense or stiff you have illness or wrinkles on your face. Practice massage.
- Enjoy lovemaking. You will have a glowing shiny skin and a relaxed face.
- Enjoy nature. Be tranquil and calm. Eat simple foods.
- You can tighten your skin by massaging it; face head and neck
- If you breathe deeply you will become strong and healthy and more attractive
- Everybody gets wrinkles, but try to prevent ugly wrinkles by controlling your mind and emotions. Wrinkles are a reflection of your thoughts & feelings
- Clean skin, no makeup is the secret of beautiful skin
- If you just cleanse nourish and massage your skin, it will function well and look good