

Acupuncture is a system of healing that originated in china over 4000 years ago and has developed into the most popular therapy in the East Asian medical tradition.  Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific locations on the body known as acupuncture points.  These points lie throughout the body on a complex system of energy channels or meridians.  Each meridian communicates with a particular organ system in the body.  Disease begins with an imbalance of vital energy or ‘Qi’ in the meridian system. The insertion of needles regulates the flow of Qi and restores the harmonious functioning of the organs, enabling the body to heal itself. The needles are retained in the body for 20-40 minutes whilst the patient relaxes, enhancing  the restorative effects of the treatment. There are various systems and applications of Acupuncture including Electro-Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture Korean Hand Therapy and Abdominal Acupuncture.


Conditions Commonly treated with Acupuncture include:

  • Addictions: alcohol, drug, food, smoking
  • Allergies
  • Digestive disorders 
  • Gynaecological conditions: menstrual cycle irregularities, fertility support, menopause
  • Headaches and migraine
  • Pain disorders: lumbar, shoulder knee, etc.
  • Neurological conditions:  Bell’s Palsy, neuralgia, stoke
  • Respiratory conditions: asthma. cold and cough



For certain conditions requiring stronger stimulation the efficacy of acupuncture may be enhanced by the addition of electro-acupuncture. This involves attaching tiny clips to the acupuncture needles and connecting them to a device that can pass and regulate a continuous electrical pulse along the needle throughout the treatment. Electro acupuncture is safe and pain-free.


Shonishin Paediatric Acupuncture

Shonishin paediatric acupuncture originated in Osaka, Japan during the 1700’s, it uses an assortment of metal Shonishin tools to focus on gentle, mostly non-inserted treatment techniques involving rhythmic stroking, rubbing, tapping, and pressing of the skin to give a range of gentle stimulation. These techniques harmonise and strengthen the child's vital energy, and immune system.  


How does Shonishin work? 

A system of Shonishin techniques is used to stimulated the acupuncture points and meridians, this harmonises the child’s vital energy and autonomic nervous system, strengthening the immune system.


What can Shonishin be used to treat? 

Shonishin is used to treat a variety of problems, dramatic results may be obtained even with very light treatment that children find soothing and pleasurable.  The most commonly treated conditions include:


  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Birth Trauma
  • Bedwetting
  • Colic/Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Ear Infections
  • Failure to thrive
  • Immune System Impairment
  • Indigestion
  • Irritability and constant crying
  • Recurrent Respiratory infections 


How often should a child be treated?

Some of the Shonishin techniques may be successfully taught to parents allowing for regular visits to the acupuncturist to be supported by short daily treatments from parents at home. This promotes relaxation and wellbeing for both parent and child.